How To Avoid The Top 13 Mistakes Airbnb Hosts Make

There are many things to consider when you first begin as an Airbnb host, and you may not immediately see the results you want, which is why it is wise to learn from other hosts' errors. You can boost your listings by understanding hosts' most common mistakes on Airbnb. 

The 13 most typical mistakes hosts make on Airbnb are listed here, from which you can learn and avoid them. Every time Airbnb releases a new version, there are new do's and don'ts to consider, so also study our post on the 2022 Airbnb Summer Release to learn how you can benefit from the latest changes.

Are You Making Any of These Common Airbnb Hosting Mistakes?

1. Listings That Are Inaccurate or Misleading

It's never a good idea to make your rental sound better than it is. Beginning on Airbnb with a wrong impression is avoided by being honest about your listing. Unfortunately, a false description of your home that misrepresents it will likely result in a bad review. Your guests should accurately understand what they'll experience on your Airbnb as soon as they land on your page.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

Make sure to list all of your property's features, such as the number of rooms and the dimensions of each one, as well as any other benefits your guests might enjoy. Describe your rental's amenities, facilities, and overall benefits in clear language. Do so if you want to set some ground rules or house rules. 

For example, inform your guests whether they are permitted to bring extra guests or pets, whether they may smoke, whether there are any restricted areas in your house, and so on. Don't exaggerate when describing things. Photographs should be simple and honest because they are likely inaccurate if you try to impress guests.

2. Your Listing Isn't Using The Right Keywords

With Airbnb's Summer Release in 2022, your rental will be displayed using machine learning, influencing the keywords you pick. It's now more important than ever to get the right keywords so that you can be visible on Airbnb.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

You should choose which categories your listing should be displayed in first when you create it. After that, you should include keywords such as vineyards or beach resorts in your description, amenities, and pictures to show this sort of feature. Your property can appear in multiple advertisements as well.

3. Don’t Use Poor Quality or Non-professional Photographs

Since pictures are critical in encouraging hosts to choose your vacation rental over another one, we emphasized in the earlier paragraph that it's not about misrepresenting your property but rather about the quality of the image. Your guests should know what they can expect when they visit your vacation home.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

  • Shoot photos of high quality: If you don't know the size, shoot the most significant picture size available on your camera.

  • The location may be one of the most significant advantages of your listing, so your customers will want to know what they can do around the area—think of excellent views, beaches, theme parks, and tourist spots.

  • Keep your kitchen counters, coffee tables, and work desks clear of clutter. Keep your guests informed about how they will find your place; it should be pristine and spotless!

  • Make sure your place looks bright and inviting by turning on the lights or opening the blinds. Wait for a sunny day too!

  • Forget about providing factual information and create an engaging description of the experiences guests can have in your vacation rental. For example, rather than labeling a photograph of the balcony as 'Balcony,' you might describe it as 'Enjoy a glass of wine on our balcony after a long day of sightseeing.'

4. There Is No Pricing Strategy

It is crucial to keep abreast of industry developments to adjust your prices accordingly to remain competitive throughout the year.

Avoiding this mistake is simple, Your prices should vary based on the following factors:

Look into your competitors' offerings by searching for properties in your region with the best reviews and comparable vacation rentals. Create a table to compare their costs and availability and estimate the most significant annual revenue for your listing.

  • It's always smart to keep an eye on industry trends. In the Industry Forecast for Quarter 2, 2022, the average daily rate will rise before the peak season. Now may be a great time to raise your fees.

  • Festivals, marathons, conferences, and other special happenings can draw many visitors, allowing you to charge up to five times your average daily rate. Research upcoming special events early in the year and plan accordingly. You may also charge a premium a week before an event to attract last-minute planners with the most money to spend.

  • Hotels are aware that guests travel more during the week, and consequently, weekend rates should be a bit higher to reflect this higher demand.

  • Consider adjusting your pricing based on your area's peak or off-peak seasons to achieve maximum profit throughout the year.

5. Missing Out On Guest Reviews

The best way to build guest trust on Airbnb is through guest reviews. Airbnb is based on guest trust, and the most effective way to accomplish this is through client testimonials. Potential clients will always look at reviews written by those who have stayed at your property when deciding on a place to stay.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

Writing reviews for each visitor will result in more responses. It will also help you gain more exposure and establish trust with future visitors. It will allow your property to appear more frequently on the website, bringing in more visitors. You will be listed higher in search results in general as a result. Both guests and hosts must write a review to have it appear, so be sure to do so. As your listing accumulates reviews, bookings will start pouring in even faster! Hosting will also boost your bookings and reputation.

6. You Are Failing to Interact Appropriately With Your Visitors

How do you handle customer communication on Airbnb? Do you respond immediately? Or do you wait a day or two?

Every guest's communication with you before or after their stay can impact their experience. It's critical to demonstrate to your guests that you care about their experience and that they are in good hands with you. To do so, you must respond promptly, respond in the right way, and respond adequately.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

With 5 Star STR's Airbnb property management software, you can set up templates that automatically send messages to your guests. All your Airbnb messages automatically appear on your 5 Star STR account. You can also communicate with your guests through your 5 Star STR account. Every message you receive or send on Airbnb is automatically synced to your 5 Star STR account. Synchronize all your messages onto one platform to improve communication with your guests. Using a single inbox for vacation rentals enables you to keep track of all your guest communications across all channels in one location at any given moment. This allows you to respond instantly when you receive new guest messages.

7. Underestimating The Amount of Work To Be Done

You are prone to make several errors when becoming an Airbnb host, including underestimating the commitment, attention to detail, organization, and effort required. Many duties are involved, even if you only list an apartment or a single room. These include cleanliness, toilet paper, coffee capsules, check-in, and check-out management, and other duties.

Your business will fail to meet the standards set by your clients if you don't maintain up with any of the jobs or underestimate the amount of work involved. This can severely damage your business reputation, resulting in negative reviews and a drop in reservations.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

It's essential to stay on top of all your tasks by being organized and prepared. Make a list of everything that must be done between guests and prioritize the most critical tasks.

8. You May Be Unaware of Some Laws and Regulations in Your Area

The law has been changing to consider Airbnb's growth in recent years. The law in several states has become stricter to control Airbnb rentals as the company expands. Major US cities have outlawed Airbnb. The rules differ from place to place and state to state. You should never ask about the legal regulations where your rental is located without asking.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

You should discover if you can rent your property as a short-term rental, how many square meters you may rent out to guests, and whether you need a permit or license. In some areas, renting out on Airbnb is illegal, so it's crucial to consider taxes, licenses, and laws. You don't want to end up with a hefty fine! Researching the legal situation yourself is vital rather than taking other people's word for it.

9. No Precautions Are Being Taken

Although trust between hosts and guests is an essential aspect of renting through Airbnb, you should take steps to ensure your guests' safety and well-being as well as your own. 

Safety should be a primary concern when hosting guests. Consider installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and providing a first aid kit and emergency phone numbers as simple solutions.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

You should always draw up a contract and ask for a deposit when renting your property, even if you trust your guests. For this reason, you should always ask for a deposit. Likewise, house rules should be drawn up for your guests to sign. These rules should be adhered to by guests (e.g. no smoking inside the apartment, no additional guests, etc.). This will provide you with more security and protection when renting your property.

Be sure to keep valuable items out of your apartment and install security measures to protect against break-ins, especially when the apartment is vacant.

10. Guests Are Usually Very Lenient

Not all guests are equally demanding, but in recent years vacation rentals have grown enormously, and the industry is now highly competitive. Don't underestimate your guests' desire for high quality. You are competing with boutique hotels.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

Effective communication is crucial. Great first impressions are crucial, so make sure your guests get one. You can ensure that your housekeepers or cleaners are informed about how you want every room to look by using a Standard Property Appearance (SPA) guide—every detail matters. Guests will be pleased if you address any concerns early on and check in frequently.

11. Having Way Too Much Clutter

To ensure that your listing stands out and attracts prospective guests, highlight your property's distinctive features. Avoid trying too hard to structure your listing according to a specific theme or overwhelming your visitors with excessive interior design, for example.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

It is preferable to give guests an open canvas to create their ideal holiday space rather than heavily decorating or theming a property unless it is a unique historical building. Opt for an uncluttered, Scandi-themed look to keep things simple. For more information on how to make your Airbnb rental more appealing, read our post on interior design tips.

12. Having insufficient or the wrong kind of insurance coverage

Many short-term rental businesses don't get insurance. If your enterprise isn't adequately safeguarded, little can be accomplished to solve problems once they occur. While Airbnb provides $1 million property damage coverage for hosts, it only covers damage to the property resulting from guests. Floods, roof leaks, and other problems are not covered. Protecting the property is the host's job.

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

Getting coverage for damaged property is crucial if you are renting out rooms. Your current home insurance policy may not provide coverage for your property if you damage it.

13. You should not rely on Airbnb for bookings

It is a frequent error for Airbnb hosts to rely solely on Airbnb for reservations. Initially, listing on multiple platforms is a smart strategy for vacation rental owners to advertise their properties to a broad audience. However, the long-term cost of listing with online travel agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and Vrbo can be substantial. Vacation rental owners who eliminate the middleman by listing on fewer sites like Airbnb and Expedia and developing their professional websites to generate direct bookings can earn more by directly booking guests!

Avoiding this mistake is simple:

Beginning your vacation rental website is how you accomplish it. Choose from over 30 beautiful, modern designs, and you can customize them to your liking. Build your website using 5 Star STR, and you won't have a problem with technology; it's as easy as creating your Airbnb listing, and your schedule will be synched across all channels, eliminating the risk of double bookings.

Short-Term Rental, Made Easy. Click Here to book your appointment.


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